Types of Blood Groups and their Characteristics. This is because all the blood groups are not the same.
It can be used in the treatment of blood cancer.
Significance of blood group. Blood group A means you have the A antigen while blood group B means you have the B antigen. Blood group AB has both the A and B antigens present on the surface but blood group O. Blood groups and significance of blood grouping.
Significance of blood grouping. The study of blood group ABO is significant with respect to the following. In case of hemorrhage burns injuries blood poisoning the blood of one person can be intravenously transferred into the body of another person.
This process is called blood transfusion. The person whose blood is given is known as Donor while the one who received is called as recipients. Blood group test is also done before blood transfusion and to check the blood type of pregnant women.
Blood group test is also important to regulate the blood type of a person. It is also crucial if one needs to go for blood transfusion or is donating blood. This is because all the blood groups are not the same.
It is therefore essential to know the blood group through blood group test. Case details were collected from the hospital record section regarding social factors and blood groups and the data were analyzed by descriptive statistical methods. Blood group B showed the highest number of cases 55 cases followed by blood group O 29 cases in carcinoma cervix which was statistically significant p.
Age of marriage between 11 to 20 years showed highest number of carcinoma cervix cases 77 cases and this also was statistically. Blood group classification of blood based on inherited differences polymorphisms in antigens on the surfaces of the red blood cells erythrocytes. Inherited differences of white blood cells leukocytes platelets thrombocytes and plasma proteins also constitute blood groups but they are not included in this discussion.
The clinical significance of p blood group system are. The accurate grouping of blood will help in the process of blood transfusion. It can be used in the treatment of blood cancer.
Packed blood samples can be stored and used in cases of emergency such as an accident when a. However available evidence suggests surviving malaria is the most significant selective force affecting the expression of blood groups. Disputed Parentage and Medicolegal Significance of Blood Groups.
Blood groups are strongly inherited and are unaffected by environmental factors such as nutrition and diet age occupation and diseases except for the rare instances already described in the section Blood Group Types. The importance of blood grouping in medicolegal issues is fully established. Inheritance of blood groups follows the.
Types of Blood Groups and their Characteristics. For any living organism to survive in this world they require proteins nutrients and oxygen. For transfer these substances to all parts of cells of the body their need to be some transport.
Blood acts as transporter in the body. The ABO and the Rh blood group systems are the most clinically significant blood group systems. Table 1 shows the major blood group systems.
Note that H antigen is in a separate system H ISBT H 018 and is not part of the ABO system ISBT ABO 001 Table 2 provides information on blood group systems other than the ten major systems. Blood group antibodies play an important role in transfusion medicine both in relation to the practice of blood transfusion and in pregnancy but not all are clinically significant. Clinically significant antibodies are capable of causing adverse events following transfusion ranging from mild to severe and of causing hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn following placental transfer from mother to fetus.
Blood group - Blood group - The importance of antigens and antibodies. The red cells of an individual contain antigens on their surfaces that correspond to their blood group and antibodies in the serum that identify and combine with the antigen sites on the surfaces of red cells of another type. The reaction between red cells and corresponding antibodies usually results in clumpingagglutinationof the red.
The ABO blood group system classifies blood types according to the different types of antigens in the red blood cells and antibodies in the plasma. The Rh blood group is one of the most complex blood groups known in humans. Discovery 60 years ago where it was named in error after the Rhesus monkey it has become second in importance only to the ABO blood group in the field of transfusion medicine.
It has remained of primary importance in obstetrics being the main cause. Various terminologies have been used to describe the different blood group systems and their antigens and respective antibodies ever since the ABO blood group system was first discovered in 1900. In 1980 an ISBT committee was tasked to devise a.
To examine the prevalence and clinical significance of blood group incompatibility in infants whose mothers have blood type A or B. We prospectively analyzed cord blood samples from 4996 consecutive live-born infants for blood type hematocrit and results of direct antiglobulin Coombs test DAT and indirect Coombs test ICT.