A Raspberry Pi with a camera device should be able to get a camera feed for the meter. The company manufactures High Tension HT and Low Tension LT panels.
Verwandeln Sie Ihren Raspberry Pi in einen Smart Meter SmartPi Das SmartPi Erweiterungsmodul erweitert den Raspberry Pi um Schnittstellen zur Spannungsmessung und zur berührungslosen Strommessung und wird damit zu einem vollwertigen SmartMeter der Stromverbräuche und Stromerzeugung kontrolliert aufzeichnet und im Netzwerk oder Internet zur Verfügung stellt.
Raspberry pi smart energy meter. Raspberry Pi Smart Energy Meter Block Diagram. A block diagram showing how the system works is shown below. To pick the units one after the other.
The Current sensing unit is made up of the SCT -013 current sensor that can measure up. Raspberry Pi am Smart Meter anbringen. Bringt euren Raspberry Pi in eurem Sicherungskasten an der Phototransistor wird mit etwas doppelseitigem Klebeband direkt über die Sende IR-LED geklebt nach Möglichkeit so das von außen kein Licht mehr eindringt.
Schaut in der Bedienungsanleitung eures Zählers welches die Sende LED ist meist aber die Rechte die Linke ist. Smart energy meter monitoring using Raspberry PiThis paper presents an overview of consumption of electricity by the user and also detects the cost of the power consumed on daily basis. The user can keep track of energy consumption using Android App.
Raspberry pi is used as an interface between the database and GSM module. EB board and consumer play a major role in this system. Turn your Raspberry Pi into a smart meter SmartPi The SmartPi 20 expansion module extends the Raspberry Pi by interfaces for voltage measurement and non-contact current measurement and thus becomes a fully-fledged smart meter that controls and records power consumption and power generation and makes it available in the network or the Internet.
Smart Energy Meter using Raspberry pi - YouTube. Smart Energy Meter using Raspberry pi. Verwandeln Sie Ihren Raspberry Pi in einen Smart Meter SmartPi Das SmartPi Erweiterungsmodul erweitert den Raspberry Pi um Schnittstellen zur Spannungsmessung und zur berührungslosen Strommessung und wird damit zu einem vollwertigen SmartMeter der Stromverbräuche und Stromerzeugung kontrolliert aufzeichnet und im Netzwerk oder Internet zur Verfügung stellt.
Web Interface for the Raspberry Pi ProjectSmart Energy Meter - Its an automated energy meter. Das SmartPi Erweiterungsmodul erweitert den Raspberry Pi um Schnittstellen zur Spannungsmessung und zur berührungslosen Strommessung und wird damit zu einem vollwertigen SmartMeter der Stromverbräuche und Stromerzeugung kontrolliert aufzeichnet und im Netzwerk oder Internet zur Verfügung stellt. In this Article we are going to monitor the energy consumption current of some circuits in a home or business through Raspberry Pi.
This will allow us to see how much a particular circuit is drawing in real time from any device on the. 21 von 32 Stefan Bücker Tim Hebbeler Auslesen eines Smart-Meter mit dem Raspberry Pi 05012014 tcgetattr fd. Holt die Parameter des Filedescriptor und speichert es in options cfmakeraw.
Setzt c_iflagc_oflagc_cflag und c_lflag zu raw mode. SmartPi - Turn your Raspberry Pi into a SmartMeter by nD-enerserve Kickstarter nD-enerserve is raising funds for SmartPi - Turn your Raspberry Pi into a SmartMeter on Kickstarter. The Smart Pi expansion module extends the Raspberry Pi with interfaces to measure voltage and current and turns it into a smart meter.
The SmartPi is an extension board to turn a Raspberry Pi into a smart energy meter measures current up to 100 A voltage up to 400 V 3-phase neutral. A Raspberry Pi with a camera device should be able to get a camera feed for the meter. Add a bit of image processing and voila.
A closer look shows the panel features. The energy meter shows the digits of the meter and a spinning disk indicating the currently consumed wattage by adjusting its rotational speed. The disk makes 75 turns per kWh and it has a little red mark.
A Raspberry Pi based energy monitoring system is designed and implemented for a panel manufacturing company. The company manufactures High Tension HT and Low Tension LT panels. The overall electrical capacity of the company is 22 kW.
The company works for eight 8 hours per day which includes lunch break of 30 min to one hour. Smart energy meter for Raspberry PI This projects has everything you need to start monitoring and recording your electric energy usage with a Raspberry PI and Arduino. You get easy access to a mobile-friendly daily graph and all-time stats.
It is completely non-intrusive and works by watching the blinks given out by a house-hold electric meter. Smart meters are using the so called SML-protocol to output data via an optical interface. There is already a lot of information about the SML-protocol available on the Internet as well as information on how to read it out and how to decode it using different devices and languages.
For using a Raspberry Pi and Python Stefan Weigert. As per definition of AMR it allows easy saving through meter reading greater data accuracy. Improve billing speed and consumer service.
Here camera is placed in front of E-meter as shown in fig 1. When command is send camera takes the photograph. This image is processed by raspberry pi using contour algorithm to calculate bill and send it using GSM.
To build this energy meter you will only need very few components and an internet connection. ACS712 Current Sensor. NODE MCU ESP8266 Module.
Mobile charger and USB cable for power supply and program uploading. Stable load - here 100 watts bulb. Raspberry Pi 3 B oder Raspberry Pi 3 Model B 1GB 40 Erweiterungs-Platine RB-RS485 9 Raspberry Pi Gehäuse Licht-Grau RPI-BC 1076 12 Mean Well Hutschienen-Netzteil DIN-Rail DR-15-5 12 ModBus Stromzähler 3 Phasen 125 Verwendete Software.
Energy Meter Logger Git.